R . I . E . C . H
  Inventory of Swiss
  printers and editors
  prior to 1850
  About R.I.E.C.H ?
 FR - DE - EN - IT
  The R.I.E.C.H., Repository of printers and publisher active in Switzerland before 1800, is a collaborative database managed by the people in charge of the preservation of the printed heritage of the different Swiss cantons. Developed and hosted by the Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne (BCUL), it was created on the initiative of Silvio Corsini (BCUL) in the wake of a diploma project presented in 1999 at the School of Information Studies (EID) of the Geneva School of Management (HEG) by Maude Graeppi under the direction of Marianne Tsioli (BGE), a work devoted to The creation of an electronic directory of Geneva printers/booksellers of the 17th century.
  At the initiative of the BGE, the entries relating to 16th century Geneva printers (contributed by Jean-François Gilmont) and 18th century printers and booksellers were added to the directory in 2008, as well as information on Swiss printers and booksellers contained in the works of Joseph Benzing and David L. Paisey.
  In 2017, the R.I.E.C.H. underwent a complete structural revision in order to meet the requirements of the Antiquarian Books Group of the BIS (Bibliothèque Information Suisse), thus becoming the database of reference for reporting to Swiss printers and publishers active before 1800.